
How To Paint With Black Chalk Paint

Chalk paint has become a staple in the DIY world since the Annie Sloan company first introduced information technology in the 90s. This unique and versatile style of paint tin can be used to create any expect you want with minimal effort on your part. From distressed and shabby chic, to modernistic and sleek, people accept been finding different ways to conform this paint to fit their décor styles.

And i color that is oftentimes overlooked by many when thinking virtually decorating the home is black. Why? We don't know. But black chalk pigment is 1 of the about versatile paint colors effectually because it can get with any color scheme and can exist used to add together class to a room, or used to create depth and range in a room.

Blackness chalk paint is the manner to go for modernizing furniture or to create a ascendant vintage look for a piece of piece of furniture. Information technology is also a very like shooting fish in a barrel paint to use and tin can be painted onto whatever surface, without much preparation beingness necessary.

can of black chalk paint with supplies

Using blackness chalk paint

Considering black is a dominant color, yous will want to be strategic with how you use it in the home. It is a color that is designed to draw attention due to its nighttime, assuming palette. And using blackness chalk pigment will assistance you achieve this affect.

Even though chalk pigment is a relatively thick pigment, y'all will still demand to use two to three coats to achieve a truly solid expect, especially if you are hoping for a total coverage effect.

When you apply the paint, utilize calorie-free, even strokes, then that the paint is spread evenly over the surface. To go into small corners, or around some small features of the piece of piece of furniture, don't dab or press the brush, rather use a smaller brush and keep the strokes small and even.

If you want to make certain that the painted surface is smooth and the blanket is fifty-fifty, you can sand it lightly after the second or third coat of paint. This will not change the whole quality of the painting but will get rid of some roughness and remove any castor strokes that really stand out.

Then, of course, in that location is the manner yous finish the pigment. Yous can choose to exit it without a seal, which means information technology will accept a matte, chalky cease. However, if you are painting something that will go a lot of traffic and apply, sealing is really your best pick for longevity.

Brands of chalky-manner paint

Chalk paint is a name given to the paint created by Annie Sloan, but in that location are chalky-style paints on the market.

Apart from the Annie Sloan original, some other black chalky paints are the Retique It Chalk End paint, Krylon Chalky End and Rust-Oleum Chalked Ultra Mate Interior, just to name a few

If you employ the Retique It Chalk Finish paint, yous will find that it creates a silky finish and is peculiarly suited to use on woods. Information technology is a very thick paint, though, and can tend to clump. Information technology is besides not suited to use with a spray gun so you will need to brand sure you lot spread the paint evenly with the brush.

The Rust-Oleum black chalk paint is suited to merely most any surface, including forest, metal and ceramic. Each can gives excellent coverage, but does not sacrifice the depth of the color. Information technology is also suited to use with a spray gun.

Krylon Chalky Finish is a versatile paint that is available in a wide range of colors, with Anvil Gray being the name of their black pigment. Krylon has a fast dry out time and comes in both a spray and brush on version, so you accept dissimilar options for application.

As a particular shade of chalk paint, Annie Sloan's Athenian black chalk pigment that apparently reflects the images of people featured in a frieze on Aboriginal Greek ceramic articles. To accomplish this look, the pigment will need to exist waxed, considering chalk pigment itself has a matte end and this type of look is more shiny and reflective. This shade is actually suited to use with furniture.

Dissimilar looks with black chalk pigment

With black chalk pigment, don't assume information technology will embrace the surface consistently and adequately to get rid of all the color underneath only because it is nighttime. You are virtually likely going to need to use at least two coats. If you want a actually dense black matte look, then three may be meliorate.

If you are going for a shabby or vintage look, chalk pigment tin can be distressed very easily and finer to give you lot this appearance. And black is a colour that contrasts attractively with but about any color, so you can create an original look for your furniture past still allowing elements of the original color to be visible in places when painting.

The most conventional mode of distressing furniture is to pigment it with two or three coats of black chalk pigment, so that the surface is uniformly black. Then sand the corners and other areas that would have some batters and scrapes in the normal class of events and sand those down a chip with medium-coarse sandpaper.

You lot can also experiment with distressing the pigment.

Cover the piece of furniture with the two coats of black chalk paint, so sand down some areas with quite a fibroid grain sandpaper to betrayal some underlying color. This tin produce an interesting contrast.

For another wait, if the furniture is already painted in quite a bright color, or white, paint the furniture quite lightly with one coat of black chalk paint. This should permit some original color seep through. Finish the piece with wax or a polyurethane sealant.

Similarly, with a light-colored piece of furniture, paint it with a single glaze of blackness chalk pigment and then sand some areas with medium-coarse grain sandpaper to betrayal quite a lot of the original color quite clearly. This can create a slice with interesting exposure and contrasts.

vintage card catalog painted with black chalk paint

Another look for black chalk paint

Chalk pigment can be finished with chalk paint wax. One of the options is to use blackness chalk paint wax. It can be used over any color chalk pigment and will bring out some texture of the actual painting. Black chalk wax paint makes the underneath color richer and gives the surface a polished look.

If you use blackness chalk paint wax over blackness chalk pigment, information technology will create an intense, rich black that will shine like polished stone.

Black Stain vs Blackness Chalk Pigment

So, this is the situation: you have an onetime wooden tabular array you would like to revamp. Irresolute the color to black will really bring information technology into the 21st century. What exercise you do: stain the wood, or paint it with black chalk paint?

Both of these options will requite your table a new, updated look, merely at that place are points to take into account about each option.

A black stain is thinner than paint and can look almost translucent. This tin be a great option, as you lot volition keep some sense of the woods through the stain. Blackness chalk paint is quite thick, so the last look of the table will be more than solid. This means that yous volition lose the thought of the grain of the woods, merely it also ways that you will change the look of the table well-nigh completely.

A blackness stain can be completed in one pace but does usually have a few days to be absorbed completely into the wood and exist strong plenty to be finished properly. Blackness chalk paint dries quickly. Even with a wax or liquid sealant final treatment, it can be finished inside a 24-hour interval, which means you tin go ahead and use the table almost immediately.

Because a black stain is absorbed into the forest, it remains a solid color and will stay that style. Black chalk pigment is soft and tin be distressed easily, which ways that information technology can be treated to create an interesting and unusual finish. If you leave the table unsealed or waxed, so you tin can even distress it afterward a while, as y'all grow into the new color and want to alter the look.

One reward of both a black seal and black chalk paint is that they can both be applied on top of nearly whatsoever surface.

To give your table a sleek, modern wait, but with the option of changing information technology to shabby chic, if you lot desire to, black chalk paint is the best pick to take.

Ideas for black chalk paint

Nosotros all recollect of black as a strong color that tin can stand up out in a room or house. If black is used too much in one space, though, it tin make the room dark and unattractive. However, black tin can exist used as a very constructive dissimilarity, or characteristic, with nigh other colors.

To achieve bonny features and interesting contrast in your home, then black chalk paint is the way to get.

I affair we know most black chalk pigment is that information technology is very suitable to use on whatsoever surface, without much grooming. It seems to be used almost regularly on furniture, but don't recollect this is where black paint in your life begins and ends.

Black chalk paint tin can definitely exist used on just about whatsoever piece of furniture, but also on walls, cupboard doors, wainscoting, cornices, pelmets and even the ceiling.

Here are a few ideas on ways to utilize black chalk paint in your dwelling house.

Kitchen Cabinets

White is a popular colour that is often used in a domicile, and we see it used even more often in kitchens these days. It is literally calorie-free and bright, but can also be quite uniform and clinical. To break up this possible blandness, y'all can make a assuming and beautiful statement by painting your upper cabinets blackness. Using black chalk paint will give the space a unique look, and once sealed, they will withstand the vesture and tear that comes with daily use.

cabinets painted with black chalk paint

Emphasis Wall

If yous are looking to make a bold argument in your home, consider using blackness chalk pigment one wall in a room. This creates a dramatic effect when used in dissimilarity with bright, airy colors. Using black chalk paint to create a feature wall that contrasts very clearly with the rest of the room will add an chemical element of depth and style to an otherwise drab space.

black accent wall in a blue bedroom

Wainscoting, Cornices, and Molding

Alternatively, you tin utilise blackness chalk paint to create an elegant look by painting cornices and wainscoting. This volition create an elevated, elegant look to your room while calculation some detailing and depth to the space. This can also be done to the emphasis wall mentioned to a higher place. You lot can easily transform a apparently wall into an elegant, wainscoting wall easily prior to painting.

wainscoted wall painted with black chalk paint

Alternatively, create a diagonal line across the wall, or paint a line effectually the wall about a foot (30cm) below the cornice, to mimic a moving-picture show rail. If you combine this with furniture painted with black chalk paint and then distressed, you will give the room a clearly vintage experience.


And of course, transforming an old or outdated piece of furniture with black chalk paint is an excellent DIY projection you could tackle in a weekend. There are and then many options, from updating a dresser or chest of drawers, to a sofa table, there are then many options. Yous don't even take to paint an entire piece of furniture blackness.

Have a coffee table for example. If y'all desire to change the look of your coffee table, consider painting the legs/base of operations white while painting the table top with black chalk pigment. Information technology creates a look that fits with both the farmhouse and mod décor styles.


Black chalk paint is maybe the most interesting chalk pigment to employ, specifically because black is such a dominant color and creates an extremely articulate contrast with just about any colour. Whether y'all paint a feature wall, outline the wainscoting and cornices, or even transform a slice of furniture, yous will definitely be able to utilize black chalk paint to revamp a room quite easily and effectively.

Let usa know if you try any of these ideas, or have a few of your own to share. We dearest hearing all the means yous craft and create in your home.

chest of drawers painted black with updated handles


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